Singing, sambaing, healing and confirming

The becoming of a macumbeiro and cultural circularity in the Seu Sete da Lira phenomenon


  • Eduardo Bonine PUC SP



Epistemology of the terreiro, Exu Sete da Lira, decoloniality, macumba


Macumba epistemology is a methodology and a conceptual place still in dispute in the Studies of Religion. Recognizing these spaces of Brazil as producers of knowledge and capable of speaking for themselves is one of the efforts we intend with this article. Based on the phenomenon of Seu Sete da Lira, which messed up the orthodox concept of religious space, by profaning the sacred and sacralizing the profane, we will present pertinent concepts to expand the dialogue within our discipline. Macumba and cultural circularity are two categories that can offer other paths and other possibilities in the production of our science.


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How to Cite

Bonine, E. (2024). Singing, sambaing, healing and confirming: The becoming of a macumbeiro and cultural circularity in the Seu Sete da Lira phenomenon. Último Andar, 27(43), e65476.