Violence and necropower

the transformation of inquisitorial discourse in the contemporary world




Inquisitorial discourse, present time, social ethos


This research aims to address how the inquisitorial discourse over time from its genesis to the present time has been passively and actively remodeled throughout the process of historical construction in the fabrics of society. Its problematization is situated in dealing with the possible genesis of the process of inquisitorial discourse? When did the discourse of the Inquisition of fact and law take place? What are the multiple contemporary facets of the discourse of the Inquisition? In order to answer these assertions, the methodological procedure used was the bibliographic research, whose theoretical contributions consist of outlining the cognitive foundations of the areas of history, sociology, among others. As results of the research, it is perceived that the inquisitorial discourse has been crystallizing in the social ethos, that is, patently and latently, originating acts of violence, torture and death for those who have heterogenous biases of their proposals, whose premise of these actions is increasingly present in the contemporary world.

Author Biography

Jose Fabio Bentes Valente, Faculdade Boas Novas (FBN) / Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UNICAP)

PhD student in Religious Sciences at the Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP-Pe). Master's in Religious Sciences from Faculdade Unida de Vitória-Es (FUV). Graduated in Theological Sciences from the Boas Novas College - Am (FBN). He also teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the same institution. Graduating in History from Estácio de Sá University (UNESA).


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How to Cite

Valente, J. F. B. (2024). Violence and necropower: the transformation of inquisitorial discourse in the contemporary world. Último Andar, 27(43), e65515.