Sustainability in the brazilian chemical industries
obstacles, challenges and opportunities
Corporate sustainability, Disruptive Innovations, Green Chemistry, Categorial Analysis, Sustainable ChemistryAbstract
Besides having strategic importance for the economic and technical-scientific development of society, the chemical industries are associated with major environmental impacts, reason why the sector has developed sustainable practices and innovations that enable its green growth. In Brazil, the implementation of these practices faces obstacles and challenges, still poorly understood. In this sense, in order to describe this institutional scenario, a bibliographic survey was conducted and submitted to categorical analysis. The applicability of the results was validated by an opinion poll, distributed to companies in the sector, and by a case study in a chemical industry located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, RJ/Brazil. The categories Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I), Economic Feasibility, Public Sector Performance, Logistics, and Awareness were identified as significant in the scenario of obstacles and challenges. The opinion poll indicated that, among the categories presented, the degree of difficulty for the implementation of sustainable practices varies from moderate to critical in the perspective of the industries of the sector, with the greater relevance of Economic Feasibility. Finally, through the case study, it was possible to understand how these categories are manifested in the practical context of a specific industry, enabling the identification of opportunities for improvement in the studied company. The integration between stakeholders and the elaboration of systemic strategies are recommended measures to overcome the challenges and obstacles identified in the present study.
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