Application of the TODIM method for ordering real estate investiment funds of shopping in an asset portfolio


  • Rafael Barboza Areia Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais (IBMEC)



Real Estate Investment Fund, Multicriteria Decision Support, Stock Exchange, Decision Making, TODIM Method


The growing expansion of real estate funds (FIIs) as an investment vehicle is notorious and this has encouraged investors to seek effective methodologies for building solid portfolios. This selection requires the analysis of different criteria and indicators associated with FIIs and there is still no consensus on which are the most important criteria when choosing an asset (Baroni & Bastos, 2018). Therefore, the relative importance between the criteria and the evaluation of investment alternatives often depends on the investor's personal perceptions and preferences. This makes it increasingly necessary to use and develop models to assist, especially small investors, in making decisions regarding the choice of assets for an investment portfolio in FIIs. This work has the purpose of analyzing 21 real estate investment funds of shopping to compose an investment portfolio. First, there was the collection of information from a database on an analysis website, in addition to the search for additional information in the reports issued by the asset managers themselves. In sequence, the decision-making method called TODIM was used, where 13 quantitative criteria were considered and a classification of funds was produced, revealing that the FII with the highest quality would be the XPML11 and the lowest would be the BPML11. Thus, this study offered support to the decision maker in selecting the most advantageous resource for the set of investments, based on numerical criteria.


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2024-05-01 — Updated on 2024-05-01


How to Cite

Areia, R. B. . (2024). Application of the TODIM method for ordering real estate investiment funds of shopping in an asset portfolio. CAFI, 7(1), 61–84.