


Feminist Theory of Law, Gender Equality, Human Rights


This paper aims to study the feminist claims for rights, under the name of "feminist legal theory”. For this, a bibliographical research will be done, using, in writing, the deductive method. The Feminist Legal Theory is a “critical theory” related to several paradigms of the Law. The study presented here is justified because the bibliography on the subject in Brazil is still scarce. In addition, it is a relevant theme for the legal treatment of women, based on their demands specifically focused on the law, especially regarding dignity and equality. It is concluded that the feminist legal theory is important as it relates to claims for gender equality, especially because of its strict relation to the human rights of women.

Author Biographies

Mário Lúcio Garcez Calil, Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul, UEMS, Paranaíba, Mato Grosso do Sul

Postdoctoral fellow (PDJ-CNPQ fellow) and postdoctoral internship (PNPD-CAPES fellow) by the Eurípides Soares da Rocha de Marília Foundation. PhD in Law from the Faculty of Law of Bauru (CEUB-ITE). Associate Professor V at the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul. <>.

Debora Markman, Universidade Presbiteriana - MACKENZIE, São Paulo, São Paulo

PhD student in Social Sciences (UNICAMP). Master in Law (UNIMEP). Specialist in Labor Law, Social Security Law and Constitutional Law (Faculdade Dom Alberto). Specialist in Labor Law (ESA-OAB / MG). Law degree from (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie). Professor at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Lawyer. <>.


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