Globalization - from a decolonial perspective - and consumption: impacts on labor relations




Globalization, Consumerism, Decoloniality, Work


The article aims to establish connections between globalization – a striking phenomenon of modernity – and consumerism in postmodern society in order to better understand the impacts they have on social and industrial relations. Taking as a theoretical framework the decolonial studies on the formation of the global capitalist system and starting from a prospective legal method, the article aims to unveil invisibilities and highlight continuities of colonial logic today. In addition, there will be a criticism of the consumer society, which equips workers and is a factor in maintaining the system. This debate aims to promote reconstructive paths based on human and social values to the detriment of purely market and homogenizing values. At the end of the study, it will be possible to conclude that world integration, which occurs from the market, keeps people in situations of subordination, which justifies a critical reflection on the formation of capitalism and its effects, which can be done from valuing marginal cultural products, which highlight the plurality of voices in society.

Author Biographies

Gabriela Bins Gomes da Silva, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas - PUC-Minas, Belo Horizonte, MG

Master's student in Private Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais. Postgraduate in Labor Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. Graduated in Law from the Milton Campos Law School. Federal Appraiser at the Regional Labor Court of the 3rd Region. Member of the Study Group “The Interfaces between the Civil Procedure and the Labor Process” and of the Study Group - “Reworking the Law” RED – PUC Minas. E-mail:

Maria Cecília Máximo Teodoro, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas - PUC-Minas, Belo Horizonte, MG

Post-Doctorate in Labor Law from the University of Castilla-La Mancha with a CAPES research grant; Doctor in Labor Law and Social Security from USP - University of São Paulo; Master in Labor Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais; Graduated in Law from PUC/MG; Professor of Labor Law at the Graduate Program in Law and Undergraduate at PUC/MG; Visiting Professor of the Master's Degree in Labor Law at the Universidad Externado de Colombia. Researcher; Leader of the Study Group RED – Reworking the Law, linked to RENAPEDTS; Author of books and articles. Attorney. E-mail:,


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