The Acess to water

an analysis based on case Lhaka Honhat vs. Argentina in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights




Water Management, Participation, Traditional Community, Ancestrality, Hydrographic Basin Committee


Access to water must be universal and equitable, however, the dispute for this economic good can give rise to the violation of the rights of traditional communities living around hydrographic basins, since they are not consulted about the exploitation of water in the territory. In these terms, the present work has the problem of investigating compliance with ILO Convention 169 at the national level, especially in the State of Pará, from the perspective of universal and equitable participation of indigenous peoples in the management of water resources. The question is whether there is participation of traditional local communities in the Rio Marapanim River Basin Committee, in the State of Pará? For this, the methodology used involved the deductive method, qualitative and technical approach of bibliographic, jurisprudential and documentary research. The research concluded that even though, in an international context, the current understanding of indigenous property takes into account cultural, ancestral and spiritual aspects, at national and state level, this understanding is subjugated, since these individuals are not part of the composition of the Committee of the Rio Marapanim River Basin and, therefore, do not participate in decision-making regarding the management of water resources.

Author Biographies

Natalia Mascarenhas Simões Bentes, Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará - CESUPA

PhD in Public Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Master in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto, Portugal. Bachelor of Laws from the Federal University of Pará. Undergraduate and Masters in Law Professor at the University Center of the State of Pará. Coordinator of the Human Rights Clinic at CESUPA. Adjunct Coordinator of the Law Course at the University Center of the State of Pará. Member of the Rica Miseria - Mining, Sustainability, Equity and Regional Development research group whose general objective is to propose governance instruments in the public and private spheres aimed at managing social impacts , environmental, and economic aspects of mining in regional development, aiming at meeting the SDGs in the Amazon. Owner partner of Simões, Bentes & Medeiros Advocacia Internacional.

Fabiana Carneiro Velasco, Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará - CESUPA

Lawer. Postgraduate in Labor Law and Social Security. Bachelor of Law at the University Center of the State of Pará - CESUPA. Former member of the Debate and Research Group on Feminist Studies, linked to the Research Group (CNPQ/CESUPA) Democracy, Judiciary and Human Rights. Former Ligand of the Academic League of Labor Law of the State of Pará (LADIT). Former Intern at the Regional Labor Court of the 8th Region. Former Intern at the 2nd Court of the Civil Court of Belém.

Beatriz Bertolo Nogueira, Centro Universitário do Estado do Pará - CESUPA

Bachelor of Law at the University Center of the State of Pará - CESUPA (2020). Former member of the Lótus extension project, linked to the Junior Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center (NIEJ/CESUPA). Former Ligand of the Academic League of Economic and Consumer Law (LADEC). Former Intern at the 6th Office of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Pará (PRPA/MPU). Ex. Intern at the 9th Attorney of Civil Justice of the Public Ministry of the State of Pará (MPPA). Ex. Intern at the Metropolitan Board and at the Specialized Family Care Center (NAEFA), both at the Public Defender's Office of the State of Pará (DPE/PA). Ex. Intern in Contract Administration at the Commercial Registry of the State of Pará (JUCEPA).


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