Objections to the inter-american system for the protection of human rights





Court IDH, Conventionality, Human rights, Fundamental rights


Regarding it, it is necessary to record two neuralgic points to be addressed. In the first place, the excessive time taken by the Inter-American Court to resolve the cases under its jurisdiction, as well as, to execute them, in the terms provided by it. This, within the framework of the paradox that arises between the quintessence of the IACHR, the IACHR and the Inter-American Court, to control and ensure the safeguarding of fundamental rights and the objective of carrying out their functions, which goes against the very nature of which were conceived and put into effect. 

Author Biography

Jorge Isaac Torres Manrique, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, UNFV, Lima, Peru

Legal consultant. Lawyer from the UCSM (Arequipa). Doctorates in Law and Administration, by the UNFV (Lima). President of the Interdisciplinary School of Fundamental Rights Praeeminentia Iustitia (Peru). International Researcher of the Group of Civil Responsibility and Environmental Process of the Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara (Brazil). Foreign Collaborator of the Investigação de Investigação Metamorfose Jurídica and Collaborator of the Constitutionalism and Environmental Research Project: Sustentabilidade, Direitos Fundamentais e o Socioambientalismo na Sociedade Consumocentrista; both linked to the Post-Graduate Program at the University of Caixas de Sul (Brazil). Member of the Editorial Committee of EDUCS -Editora da Universidade de Caxias do Sul (Brazil). Member of the International Association of Constitutional Law- IACL (Serbia). Member of the World Association for Constitutional Justice (Colombia). Member of the International Scientific Committee of the International Legal Institute of Torino (Italy). Deputy foreign member of the Argentine Association of Constitutional Justice (Argentina). Senior Member of the Colombian Association of Constitutional Procedural Law (Colombia). Member of the Basque Institute of Procedural Law (Basque Country). Academic Peer Evaluator of the publishing firms: Corporation of Studies and Publications (Ecuador) and Legal Editions of Santiago (Chile). Author and co-author of various books and treatises on Constitutional, Criminal, Administrative Law. Co-Director of the Commented Criminal Codes of Ecuador, Colombia. Co-Director of the Treaties: Money Laundering, Strategic Oral Litigation, Evidence Law, among others. kimblellmen@outlook.com


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