Computer network neutrality and fundamental rights and warranties




Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, Traffic, Fundamental rights, Neutrality, Principle


This article seeks to highlight the fundamental right nature of net neutrality, a principle enshrined in articles 3 and 9 of Law 12,965/2014, which established the Marco Civil da Internet. It intends, therefore, in light of article 5, § 2 of the Federal Constitution of 1988, to demonstrate that this is a fundamental right and, therefore, a guarantee of equal treatment for the user. Methodologically, the research is classified as deductive, descriptive and bibliographical. It appears that net neutrality, although it was raised to legal status with the advent of the Marco Civil da Internet, had already been discussed since 2009, when the guiding principles of internet governance were published. However, by being recognized as a principle, net neutrality imposes duties on providers to ensure not only access to the internet for everyone, but also that it does not prioritize or discriminate certain information, products and services on the world wide web. Therefore, for net neutrality to be effectively observed, all individuals must have equal access to everything that the digital world has to offer, under penalty of being responsible for the discriminatory treatment of data traffic held liable for violating this important guarantee fundamental.

Author Biographies

Luiz Antonio Santos, Centro Universitário de Bauru - CEUB, ITE, Bauru, BR

Master's degree in Law and Development from Faculdade IDP (2020) and PhD candidate from Instituto Toledo de Ensino (Ite). Graduated in Law from Faculdade Mario Schenberg in Cotia São Paulo (2011), graduated in Philosophy from University of Santa Catarina (Unisul) (2011). Postgraduate in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, by Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vince (2013/2015). Postgraduate in Medical Law, from the University Center of Araraquara (2014/2016). Postgraduate in Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences from UNYLEYA Faculty (2018/2019). And graduated in the Post-Graduation in Criminal Sciences by (PUC_Minas) ? Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (2017/2019). Specialization in the Jury Court and in the Childhood and Youth Court at Escola Superior de Advocacia (2015). Internship in Criminal Law with one of the greatest criminalists in Brazil, the learned indoctrinator and professor Dr. Cezar Roberto Bitencourt and works in several lawsuits together with Cezar Bitencourt. He is currently the owner of the Luiz Antônio Santos Sociedade Individual de Advocacia office, with a website ( Advocates in the criminal area, mainly on the following topics: criminal law, private and business criminal law, Jury Court, economic crimes, political, bidding, tax, financial, bankruptcy, crimes against the person, against property and against public administration . Luiz Antonio is the author of the book: Compliance as a Mechanism to Combat Corruption: Comparison of Brazilian Legislation, with an International Perspective.

Eliana Franco Neme, Universidade de São Paulo - USP, São Paulo, SP

Master and Doctor in Constitutional Law. Associate Professor at the University of São Paulo - USP - Faculty of Law of Ribeirão Preto in the area of Public Law with emphasis on Constitutional Law and Fundamental Rights. Professor at the Centro Universitário de Bauru, at the Center for Post-Graduation in Law, Master's and Doctoral courses included in the concentration area: "Constitutional System for the Guarantee of Rights". She has experience in the field of Law, especially in Public Law, working mainly on the following subjects: law, constitutional, federal constitution, constitution and Brazil, human rights in court, human rights in international courts, international courts and international jurisprudence. She currently works with the constitutional system for the protection of minorities, with the protection of privacy, and with the Protection of Animals.


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