An Antidogmatic doctrine of contractual law




jurisprudence, legal doctrine, contract law, relational contracts


Traditionally, legal doctrine or dogmatics has been attributed the task of systematizing and conferring coherence and unity of meaning to a certain branch of law, taking the norms in force as an unavoidable assumption of a theorization aimed at informing the interpretation and application of the law. In contrast, this paper aims at describing and analyzing the proposal of an extended or deviationist legal doctrine, advanced in the text considered to be the manifesto of the American movement of critical legal studies, authored by Roberto Mangabeira Unger. Besides the characterization of this style of legal analysis, which works as a kind of anti-dogmatic doctrine, the text discusses the example approached by Unger: the dissonant constructions that can be made of the branch of contract law, based on the conflict between principles and counter-principles that constitute this area. Finally, the text addresses the critique of such theorization by contemporary natural law thinker John Finnis. This critique reveals the distance between the moral and ideological positions advanced, on the one hand, by the critical modernists, and, on the other, by the natural law of Thomistic inspiration. The conclusion is that the creative exploration of the contradictions existing within the contract doctrine itself can be mobilized above all in the design of new transactional arrangements, especially those aimed at relational contracts.

Author Biography

Lucas Fucci Amato, Universidade de São Paulo - USP, São Paulo, SP

Lecturer, he is a permanent Professor of the Masters in Law at the Catholic University of Brasília, Post-Doctor and Doctor (with honors) in Law and Bachelor of Laws (summa cum laude), with scientific initiation in TGD. "Sandwich" doctoral internship as Visiting Researcher at Harvard Law School, United States, and post-doctoral internship at the University of Oxford, England (Academic Visitor at the Oxford Center for Socio-Legal Studies). Nomination for the USP Highlight Thesis, Bunge Youth Foundation (TGD) and Young Jurist Awards. He was an associate researcher on a regular project at FAPESP, for which he was a fellow with exclusive dedication, in the direct doctorate, in the doctoral and post-doctoral internships of research abroad and in scientific initiation. Member of the CNPq research groups: Law and Social Systems Research Network (UFPE), Socio-legal Research Group (FD-USP) and Systems Theory and Social Criticism (FFLCH-USP). ORCID -


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