Agile methodologies for digital transformation in Brazil

an analysis of scrum applied to the public sector




Agile methodology, Digital Transformation, Project management, Scrum, Public sector


The research intends to analyze the management and execution of projects through the agile methodology called scrum in the process of digital transformation in public sector. This methodology was chosen, among the existing ones, because it is the most used framework according to the 15th State of Agile Report. The study of agile methodologies, alternatives to traditional waterfall models, for example, is of great relevance in a context of constant digital transformation, which requires greater agility, adaptation, and efficient use of resources from its actors. In this sense, the research question that guides the work consists of the possibility, or not, of applying this methodology for project management in the public sector. If so, it is necessary to identify how this application occurs and, in view of its implementation, what are the verifiable benefits from its adoption. Thus, there search was developed through the hypothetical-deductive method, based on the bibliographic review, from verify that scrum, if used properly, represents a tool that encourages digital transformation, as well as promotes their solution of problems/demands in a more assertive way. To this end, there search highlights the need for agile project management in the context of digital transformation, as well as clarifies the process and identifies the actors involved in scrum, applied in the public sector, in addition to elucidating the theme through public procurement cases whose requirements included the use of agile methodologies.


Author Biographies

Ariê Scherreier Ferneda, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Programa de Pós-Graduação

Master's student in Law at the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC. Postgraduate student in Constitutional Law at the Brazilian Academy of Constitutional Law - ADBConst. Graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná - PUCPR. Areas of interest and research: Public Law; Administrative law; Digital Government; Public Governance; Management.

José Sérgio da Silva Cristóvam, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Programa de Pós-Graduação

Adjunct Professor of Administrative Law (Undergraduate, Master's and Doctorate) at UFSC. PhD in Administrative Law from UFSC (2014), with a Sandwich Doctorate internship at the University of Lisbon – Portugal (2012). Master in Constitutional Law from UFSC (2005). Founding member and Academic Director of the Institute of Administrative Law of Santa Catarina (IDASC). Member of the Social Administrative Law Research Network (REDAS). Coordinator of the Study Group on Public Law at the CCJ/UFSC (GEDIP/CCJ/UFSC).


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