The (in) constitutionality of the municipal standard of parliamentary initiative on public policies aimed at homeless people




Begging, Legislative process, Management reserve


The present work aims to analyze the doctrinal and jurisprudential controversy that permeates the issue of the unconstitutionality of the municipal norm of parliamentary initiative on public policies aimed at homeless people. At first, notes are made about the current situation of this population segment in Brazil, presenting the general aspects of the National Policy for Homeless People. Subsequently, the main points of the current constitutional dynamics that define the legislative process within the three federative entities are described, developing the discussion about the constitutionality control of municipal laws. Finally, the unfolding of the principle of administrative reserve is considered, par excellence the core of the controversy, which indicates the appropriate way to solve the problem of the apparent unconstitutionality of such rules. The work uses the deductive method added to the following research techniques: bibliographic, documentary and survey; presenting to the academic community the main considerations about the subject now raised, especially after the emblematic ruling issued by the São Paulo Court of Justice in the context of the ADI n. º 2088475-63.2021.8.26.0000, both because of the relevance of the matter and because of its very recent publication.

Author Biographies

Carlos Miguel de Meira, GP Regimes e Tutelas da UNISANTOS, Santos, SP, Brasil

Researcher at the Constitutional, Environmental and International Regimes and Guardianships Group at the Catholic University of Santos (UNISANTOS). Degree in Law from the State University of Northern Paraná (2016-2020). Since 2015, he has held the position of Social Development Agent - ADS (CBO: 5153-10) at the Municipality of Fartura, acting in the Municipal Coordination of Assistance and Social Development in carrying out socio-educational projects aimed at individuals and families with medium and high degrees of social vulnerability (population living on the streets, families living in extreme poverty, adolescents undergoing socio-educational measures in an open environment, etc.). He is a member of several municipal councils and commissions, performing, as provided by law, functions of relevant public interest.

Nelson Flavio Brito Bandeira, Universidade Católica de Santos - UNISANTOS, Santos, SP, Brasil

Researcher at the Constitutional, Environmental and International Regimes and Guardianships Group at the Catholic University of Santos (UNISANTOS). Law graduation. Postgraduate in Public Law. Postgraduate in Social Security Law. Master's student in Environmental Law at the Catholic University of Santos, SP. Attorney General, civil servant, of the Municipality of São Vicente.

Wallace Paiva Martins Júnior, Universidade Católica de Santos - UNISANTOS, Santos, SP, Brasil

Co-leader of the Constitutional, Environmental and International Regimes and Guardianships Group of the Catholic University of Santos (UNISANTOS). Bachelor's Degree in Law from the University of São Paulo (1987), Master's Degree in Law from the University of São Paulo (2000) and Doctorate in Law from the University of São Paulo (2003). He is currently a full professor at the Catholic University of Santos in undergraduate (Administrative Law) and in the stricto sensu graduate program (Environmental Law). He has experience in the area of law, with emphasis on administrative and environmental law, working mainly on the following topics: administrative improbity, administrative transparency, administrative publicity, right to information, popular participation, control of public administration, public agents, direct and indirect public administration , environment, Public Prosecutor's Office, public civil action and collective protection, constitutionality control, legal-administrative principles. A member of the São Paulo State Public Prosecutor's Office, he is the 25th Public Prosecutor for Diffuse and Collective Interests and holds the position of Deputy Attorney General for Legal Justice.


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