Digtal state ant the judge code
the effectiveness of decision-making algorithms in the age of voluble fundamental rights
liquid modernity, legal hermeneutics, fundamental rights, artificial intelligenceAbstract
The object of study of this work is to analyze automation movements in the practice of law from the perspective of legal hermeneutics in the era of Net Fundamental Rights. Therefore, applying a hypothetical-deductive methodology and an argumentative bibliographical review as a source of theoretical observation, it is expected to conclude whether the application of decisive algorithms in the digital age is effective in protecting contemporary human rights. Therefore, in the first chapter, the advance in the use of technology for the performance of cognitive activities was contextualized, as well as models that sought to standardize legal reasoning were approached. In the second, the legal hermeneutics was discussed based on the thinking of Kelsen, Dworkin, Habermas and Bobbio. In this third chapter, then, the question that guided the research will be dealt with, namely, on the (in)effectiveness of the use of algorithms in the practice of law in the light of legal hermeneutics, in particular in aiding argumentation and decision-making. decision. Thus, it is expected to highlight the difficulties of the rigid application of algorithms in judicial decision-making and the legal uncertainty of a decision taken by a source code, especially in a sociological and legal context in which Rights are increasingly liquid and unstable, while the analysis of Law is increasingly subjective and volatile.
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