Human rights and their social interfaces:

analysis of image records from marginalized actors




Dignity, Human Rights, Rule of Law, Marginalized Groups, Ideology, Social Segregation


Human Rights (HR) constitute a fertile field of discussions in border areas of all scientific knowledge. Based on this assumption, this article aims to analyze imagery records of social actors seen as marginalized in the face of a relational structure in the light of HR. The Theoretical Foundation is housed in the interdisciplinary field of HR, especially about the interface between French Semiotics and the Sociology of Relations. Such theoretical strands, in turn, reverberate legal and ideological directions, with the aim of mapping the State's posture in the face of peripheralization analyzed in this work. The methodology is documental, since we analyze images extracted from the book “Holocausto Brasileiro”, by Daniela Arbex, a work seen here as a document. The approach is qualitative in nature, as the meanings generated from the data obey intersubjective criteria, which symbolize the sensitive look of researchers in the face of situations of semiotic problems in the corpus. The research reveals situations in which basic elements of survival are omitted from the lives of the social actors portrayed in the images. For HR, it is a vehemently violent measure in terms of the act of usurpation of social well-being, offered as a minimum condition of human dignity.

Author Biographies

Bruno Gomes Pereira, UNIAN / UniA / USP

Graduated in Letters - Portuguese Language and Luso-Brazilian Literature from the State University of Pará (UEPA), in Letters - Spanish Language and English Language and their Respective Literatures from the Instituto Brasil de Ensino (IBRA) and in Pedagogy from Ceuma University (UNICEUMA) . Specialist in Applied Linguistics from Faculdade de Tecnologia Antônio Propício de Aguiar Franco (FAPAF), in Communication and French Semiotics from Faculdade Souza (FASOUZA) and in People Management from Universidade Anhanguera (UNIDERP). Master and PhD in Letters: Language and Literature Teaching (with an emphasis on Linguistic Studies) from the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT). It investigates processes of constitution, production and representation of conventional and reflective academic writing in bachelor's and teaching courses. Works in the areas of Text Theory and Linguistic Analysis in interface with Academic Literacy Studies through the bias of Applied Linguistics (AL). In addition to scientific articles published in Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian and French, he is a member of the Editorial Boards of academic journals and scientific books in Brazil and worldwide. He is also interested in research on Systemic-Functional Linguistics (LSF), Text Linguistics (LT), Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), Active Methodologies (MA) and French Semiotics (SF) as theoretical-methodological tools for data processing in LA. Member of the Latin American Association of Systemic-Functional Linguistics (ALSFAL) and of the Academy of Letters of the South and Southeast of Pará (ALERPRE). He has released dozens of books on mother tongue teaching, media discourse and teacher education and hundreds of articles published in five different languages in Latin America, North America, Europe and Asia. Professor at the Anhanguera University of São Paulo (UNIAN) and at the Anhanguera Pitágoras Ampli University Center (UniA), Santo André (SP). Advisor at the Institute of Research and Continuing Education at the University of São Paulo (Pecege/Esalq/USP). Productivity Scholarship from the National Foundation for the Development of Private Higher Education (FUNADESP). Guest Special Editor of the journal "International Journal of Language and Linguistics" of the Science Publishing Group, New York (USA).

Thiago Luiz Sartori, Universidade Anhanguera de São Paulo - UNIAN, São Paulo, SP

PhD candidate in Social Change and Political Participation at the University of São Paulo - USP. Master in Education: Education Policy and Management, by the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul - (2020). Professor of the Law course at Anhanguera Educacional University. Legal Analyst at the Public Ministry of the State of São Paulo, with attribution in the Criminal Justice Attorney's Office. Associate Member of Anpae - National Association for Education Policy and Administration. Associate Member of Anped - National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education. Member of GT23 - Gender, Sexuality and Education of ANPED National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education. Associate Member of the National Institute for Research and Promotion of Human Rights - INPPDH. Associate Member of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences - IBCCRIM. Lecturer at the Culture and Events Department of the Brazilian Bar Association - Section - São Paulo. Guest professor/coordinator at the Superior School of Advocacy of the Brazilian Bar Association - Section - São Paulo. TLSARTORI@HOTMAIL.COM. Currently, he is dedicated to research in the area of human rights, education, gender, sexuality and public policy.


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