Arbitration and Justice


  • Gleibe Pretti Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC - Florianópolis, SC
  • Francisco Quintanilha Veras Neto Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC - Florianópolis, SC
  • Roberta Candido da Silva Centro Universitário Estácio de São Paulo - ESTÁCIO - São Paulo, SP



Arbitration, Judiciary, Judicial Demand, Constitutional Value, Democratization of law


You do not need to be a specialist in the legal field, to have the knowledge that there is a huge demand for lawsuits, as well as an absurd delay in their judgment. Well, to find the best way and way out of this obstacle, it is necessary to analyze the judiciary, its obstacles, to find the best way to resolve conflicts. From a practical point of view, arbitration is the means that exists, legally, as a way of solving the problems presented by the plaintiffs, as it is a pact, between them, to prevent the access of the Judiciary. Previous work on the concepts of citizenship and justice to better understand how it works and what are the obstacles to effective access to justice. With this, knowing how to find alternative means of conflict resolution, thus being able to reach the core of the issue discussed here, which is arbitration. This is descriptive research, carrying out a bibliographic survey, especially works by renowned authors in the classical legal field and authors whose works are dedicated to explaining the concepts addressed by the classics.

Author Biographies

Gleibe Pretti, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC - Florianópolis, SC

Postdoctoral fellow at UFSC. PhD in the Graduate Program in Law at the University of Marília – UNIMAR. Master in Geoenvironmental Analysis at Univeritas - UnG. Postgraduate in Constitutional Law and Labor Law and Procedure at UNIFIA-UNISEPE. Degree in Law from Universidade São Francisco, Degree in Sociology from Faculdade Paulista São José. Degree in History and Degree in Pedagogy from UniJales. Coordinator of the master's program in law at MUST University. Coordinator of the lato sensu postgraduate course in Law at CEJU (SP). He is currently a University Professor in the Undergraduate Program at the following faculties: Centro Universitário Estácio São Paulo, Faculdades Campos Salles (FICS) and UniDrummond. UNITAU - University of Taubaté, as professor of the postgraduate course in labor law, as well as arbitration, Professor of Jus Expert, in graphotechnical expertise, copy documents, expertise, appraiser of movable property and investigator of adverse possession. Professor at SEBRAE- for entrepreneurs. Member and researcher of the Research Group on Epistemology of national and international arbitral practice, at UNIMAR. Acts as Lawyer, Arbitrator at the Specialized Mediation and Arbitration Chamber of São Paulo S.S. Ltda. Cames/SP and at the National Secretariat for Copyright and Intellectual Property (SNDAPI), at the Special Secretariat for Culture (Secult), since 2015. Specialist in the areas of Arbitration and multiport system. Focused on news in the area such as: LGPD in companies, Entrepreneurship in the face of unemployment, Post-Pandemic Labor Law, Legal Marketing, Labor Law and conflict resolution methods (Arbitration), Labor Environment and Sustainability, Mindset 4.0 in labor relations, Labor Compliance, Labor Law in a liquidated company, among others.

Francisco Quintanilha Veras Neto, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC - Florianópolis, SC

Graduated in Law from the Center for Legal Sciences of the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC (1996), Improvement Course at the School of Magistracy of the State of Santa Catarina in 1997, Master's Degree in Law in the area of concentration of legal-political institutions from the University Federal University of Santa Catarina (2000) and Doctorate in Social Relations Law from the Federal University of Paraná (2004). Post-Doctorate in Law from UFSC (2014). He is currently a Full Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in the disciplines of Philosophy of Law and Theory of Law II. Permanent professor at the Master's and Doctorate Program in Law at UFSC in the disciplines of Transdisciplinary Methods and Methodologies applied to Law research and Fundamentals of Legal Research Methodology. He has experience in the areas of Theory of Law, Philosophy of Law, Criminology, Social relations in the world of work, neoliberal globalization, environmental justice and environmental racism, Critical Theory of Law, Human Rights and interculturality, decolonial epistemologies. Coordinator of the Transdisciplinary Group on Legal Research for a Sustainable Society - GTPJUS/UFSC registered with the DGP/CNPq.

Roberta Candido da Silva, Centro Universitário Estácio de São Paulo - ESTÁCIO - São Paulo, SP

Master in Law from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas-FMU in São Paulo/SP (2014). Specialist in Law from the Damásio de Jesus Educational Complex (2004). Graduated from the University of Ribeirão Preto.(1999) She has experience in academic management and in higher education, in the organization and coordination of complementary activities, extension projects, course pedagogical project and other technical processes in the academic area. Active in attracting and retaining students. She is currently Coordinator of the Law Course at Estácio University Center of São Paulo- Campus Liberdade and Conceição- São Paulo. Note 5 at MEC in 2019. Professor of Constitutional Law, International Law and Civil Law at Estácio University Center of São Paulo (since 2006). She acts as an evaluator for validation and new law courses. Acting lawyer since 2000. Has experience in the area of law, with emphasis on constitutional and civil law. Author of the Book - Current Law Issues - Ed. Livrorama - 2020 ISBN 978-65-00-05620-4


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