The Modern paradigm in the construction of human rights:

Perspective of human rights based on decolonial thinking




Modernity, Human rights, Decolonial thinking, Critical theory


This paper aims to analyze the modernity project that, aligned with the dominant political/economic power, produced a traditional and universal human rights discourse that privileges abstract equality, freedom from the capitalist production logic and an asymmetry of power and exploitation between the periphery and the center of the world. The research proposes to analyze the formation of the individual from the Enlightenment rationalism and the configuration of the modern State, which corresponds, in turn, to a traditional view of human rights. In contrast, from a decolonial perspective, critical theory seeks to understand the dimension of human rights through another rationality, considered as historical processes of struggles, resistance, and resignifications, guided by the bias of freedom and emancipation of the subject in front of the mercantile/capitalist ideology that shaped the entire west. The method used in the research that substantiated the present work was the dialectic, in the senses attributed to dialectics by Plato and Hegel. From Plato, the dialectic as a method of division; of Hegel, the dialectic as a synthesis of opposites.

Author Biographies

Doglas Cesar Lucas, Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUI, RS

He holds a degree in Law from the Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUÍ (1998), a master's degree in Law from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2001), a PhD in Law from UNISINOS (2008) and a Post-Doctorate in Law from Università Degli Studi di Roma Tre (2012). He is a professor of the Undergraduate, Master's and Doctorate Courses in Law at the Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul-Unijui and a professor of the Law Course at Faculdade Cnec Santo Ângelo. Collaborating professor in the master's and doctorate in Law at URI - Santo Ângelo). He is coordinator of the Human Rights and Democracy Collection, published by Unijui. MEC/INEP evaluator. Researcher at the Portucalense Juridical Institute, in the Dimensions of Human Rigths research group. Collaborating researcher at IBEROJUR, where he coordinates the Human Rights thematic area. Leader of the Research Group at CNPQ Critical foundations of human rights. He has experience in the area of Law, with an emphasis on Philosophy of Law, working mainly on the following topics: Human rights, identity, interculturality, civil disobedience, right to resistance and democracy.

Ionathan Junges, Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUI, RS

Master in Law from the University of Noroeste of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (2022). Bachelor of Law from the University of Cruz Alta (2022). Graduated in Philosophy from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2011). He has teaching experience in teaching philosophy in the state basic education network.


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