The Tax on great fortunes (cf, Art. 153, VII), the principle of equality and the effectiveness of the Constitution




Principle of Equality, Human dignity, Great Fortunes, Effectiveness of the Constitution, Economic Order


This article deals with the principles established by the Federal Constitution to the economic order that “aims to ensure a dignified existence for all” according to art. 170, “caput”, item VII. There is an express determination that, among the principles contained therein, the reduction of regional and social inequalities be established. It is in this sense that it is important to expand inclusive or re-inclusive action to achieve a change in mentalities, leading to social cohesion already provided for in the Constitution. The research was developed using the hypothetical-deductive method of approach, the comparative procedure, the technique of indirect documentation, the bibliographical research: in books and legal periodicals; documentary; in legislation and on electronic sites.


Author Biography

Maria Garcia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP, São Paulo, SP

Full Associate Professor at PUC / São Paulo. Professor of Constitutional Law, Educational Law and Constitutional Biolaw. Professor of Biolaw/Bioethics at the Assunção University Center - UNIFAI. Professor of Legal Psychology / Legal Medicine and Social Security Law at FIG/UNIMESP. CoBi member? HCFMUSP Bioethics Commission. Member of the HCOR Bioethics Committee. Member of the Institute of Lawyers of São Paulo/IASP. Attorney of the State of São Paulo (IPESP). Former Legal Assistant to the Dean of USP. Founding member and current General Director of the Brazilian Institute of Constitutional Law (IBDC). Coordinator of the Journal of Constitutional Law and International Publisher Revista dos Tribunais). Member of the São Paulo Academy of Legal Letters (Cadeira Enrico T. Liebman). Honorary Member of CONPEDI. Member of the Deliberative Council of the Institute of Lawyers of São Paulo - IASP (2015-2017 triennium). Member of the Superior Council of Law of the Trade Federation - FECOMERCIO. Member of the Editorial Board of the Magazine of the Superior School of the Attorney General of the State of São Paulo. Member of the Editorial Board of Revista De Jure, of the MPMG - Public Ministry of Minas Gerais. President of the Permanent Commission of Bioethics Studies of the IASP. Award for asctive member/2019 - World Bioethics Day/UNESCO. Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees of ESA - Escola Superior de Advocacia (Management 2022/2024


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