The Provisional emergency guarantees in the precautionary mode, coadunated to the new CPC, your understanding with the STJ, since its promulgation in 2015




Precautionary Guardianship Urgency, Cautionary Process, New Brazilian Civil Procedure Code, Urgency


This article aims to deepen the study of knowledge about the doctrine, in the modalities of provisional emergency protection, especially in the cases that require a precautionary measure, and its application in the last 5 years of the promulgation of the new CPC. We will also analyze the jurisprudential aspects, of the STJ and TJ SP, on the themes. The research was generated using the hypothetical-deductive approach method, the comparative procedure, the indirect documentation technique, bibliographical research: in books and legal journals; documentary; in legislation and on electronic websites.

Author Biography

Gleibe Pretti, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC - Florianópolis, SC

Post-doctorate at UFSC. Master in Geoenvironmental Analysis at Univeritas (UnG). Postgraduate in Constitutional Law and Labor Law and Process at UNIFIA-UNISEPE. Bachelor of Laws at Universidade São Francisco. Degree in Sociology at Faculdade Paulista São José. Coordinator of the master's program in law at MUST University. He is currently an Undergraduate University Professor at the following faculties: Centro Universitário Estácio São Paulo, Faculdades Campos Salles (FICS) and UniDrummond. SEBRAE professor for entrepreneurs. Member and researcher of the Research Group on Epistemology of national and international arbitration practice, at the University of Marília -UNIMAR. Chief Editor Education Magazine B1 (Ung) since 2017. Scientific collaborator at RFT. He works as a Lawyer, Arbitrator at the Specialized Mediation and Arbitration Chamber of São Paulo S.S. Ltda. Cames/SP and at the National Secretariat for Copyright and Intellectual Property (SNDAPI), of the Special Secretariat for Culture (Secult), since 2015.


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