Teleworking in the COVID-19 pandemic:
The experience of Goiás Court of Justice servants
Teleworking, Pandemic, COVID-19, Servers, Court of justiceAbstract
Teleworking, previously seen as a possibility that was barely applicable to Brazilian courts, given the rigidity of the organizational culture of public administration, became a latent reality in a short space of time, with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. This research intended to analyze the experience lived by employees of the Court of Justice of Goiás (TJGO), after adopting distance work. To this end, a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data collected was carried out, based on the application of a virtual questionnaire covering themes directly linked to the subject, through the Electronic System of the Citizen Information Service (e-SIC) in which it was answered anonymously by 15 court employees, in addition to bibliographical research on the topic. The results obtained were compiled via an Excel spreadsheet and after a systematic review, it was clear that in the participants' perception, this change brought both positive and negative impacts. If, on the one hand, the employees pointed out an improvement in their quality of life due to the fact that they did not need to travel to the workplace and avoid the daily wear and tear of traffic, on the other hand, some expressed difficulties in being able to separate the professional from the personal, in addition to the lack of defined schedules, causing overload in the working day. However, despite the setbacks and lessons learned on this journey, employees understand that remote work is 100% applicable to the court.
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