Civil liability in the digital environment and its relationship with freedom of expression in light of contemporary Brazilian legislation




fundamental rights, citizenship, Federal Constitution of 1988, civil liability, censorship


This article seeks to analyze the potential results of the intersection between the civil liability model attributed to companies providing platforms or digital services in Brazil and the fundamental right to freedom of expression, aiming to assess whether this relationship could result in a violation of this right. Initially, the national constitutional treatment of freedom of expression as a fundamental right is analyzed, with an emphasis on historical precedents of national order and the international normative field that potentially influenced the Original Constituent of 1988. Subsequently, the assessment of current regulatory legislation of the digital environment - embodied in Law 12.965/14, the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet - and comparison with its foreign equivalents. Finally, the objective is to understand the international and Brazilian perspectives on regulation and adoption of civil liability models for digital platform providers. The research was conducted through a bibliographic and documentary review of relevant standards, scientific articles and legal doctrine. It was concluded that the exercise of citizenship and the right to freedom of expression, at the same time, are inseparable from free access to the internet and digital platforms, and, although legislative adjustments to the topic are necessary, in Brazil, changing the model of civil liability currently adopted can cause offenses against freedom of expression and, therefore, other fundamental rights that are attached to it.

Author Biographies

Clarissa Chagas Sanches Monassa, Centro Universitário Eurípedes de Marília - UNIVEM, Marília, SP

Graduated in Law from the Júlio de Mesquita Filho State University of São Paulo (1999), specialized in Business Law from the State University of Londrina (2002), master's degree in State Law from the Eurípides de Marília University Center/UNIVEM (2005), PhD in Legal Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (2020). Professor at the Eurípides Soares da Rocha de Marília Teaching Foundation - UNIVEM, at the Law School of the Aparecido Pimentel Organization for Education and Culture/OAPEC and at the Integrated Colleges of Taguaí (FIT). Member of the Jacques Maritain Institute of Brazil. Reviewer for the Public Law Journal of UEL. Lawyer and Vice-Leader of the AJUDPRO Research Group (Eurípides de Marília University Center) and GEDs (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo), both registered with the CNPq. He works in the following areas: Research Methodology and Legal Hermeneutics, Public and Private International Law; International Human Rights Law, International Trade Law, General and Legal Sociology, Alternative Methods of Conflict Resolution and Professional Ethics.

Mateus Dal Posso, Centro Universitário Eurípedes de Marília - UNIVEM, Marília, SP

Graduated in Law from the Euripedes University Center in Marília


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