The search for a legal policy for the protection and effectiveness of the existential minimum for the social objects of the 1988 Constitution




Constitution, Existential Minimum, Effectiveness


The purpose of this article is to study the effectiveness of the existential minimum, which aims to guarantee individuals a minimally dignified standard of living, protecting the goods necessary for their human and social development, containing legal provisions that can be activated by civil society in the face of State, aiming that its actions on the public budget give effect to these public policies. The research methodology used will be bibliographic, with data collection and case law studies. And it concludes that the minimum existence is a good to be protected with priority, by society and the State.

Author Biographies

Cláudio Amaral José Bahia , Centro Universitário de Bauru - ITE, Bauru, SP

Graduated in Law from Toledo Educational Institution (1996), Master in Constitutional Law from Toledo Educational Institution (2002). PhD in State Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2007). Post-doctorate from Ius Gentium Conimbrigae of the University of Coimbra (2020). Has experience in the area of ​​Law, with emphasis on Constitutional Law. Member of the Research Group "Criticism of Law and Legal Subjectivity" (Department of Philosophy and General Theory of Law of the University of São Paulo), coordinated by Prof. Dr. Alysson Leandro Mascaro. He is currently a professor - Toledo Educational Institution of Bauru and at the Iteana Faculty of Botucatu in the undergraduate and postgraduate courses lato and stricto sensu at the Toledo Educational Institution of Bauru. Lawyer.

Dieimes Laerte de Souza, Instituto Toledo de Ensino - ITE, Bauru, SP

PhD in Law from the Toledo Educational Institution - ITE. Master's degree in Law and the State in the Digital Age from the Marília University Center - UNIVEM. Postgraduate degree in Specialization in Contract Law. Bachelor's degree in Law from the Eurípides Soares da Rocha Foundation Higher Education Institution - UNIVEM - Marília - SP. Author of scientific works and articles. Lawyer with emphasis and practice in the area of ​​Civil Obligations and Contracts Law, and with working knowledge in related areas, Business Contract Law, Banking, Agrarian and Agro-Environmental Law.


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