Teaching/education and the enforcement of human rights:

PUC-SP with doors open to immigrants and refugees





Effectiveness of law, Education, Refugees, Human rights, Catholic University, Literature review


The article aims to study and analyze the project “PUC-SP with open doors to immigrants and refugees”, from the point of view of its relevance in terms of the right to integration through the education of migrants and refugees in the city of São Paulo. This study is part of the perspective of the effectiveness of law through civil society institutions and seeks to analyze, from the project, the relationship between elements such as concepts of Law, including law and social project, objectives and purposes of education, including the dynamics of the Catholic University, are effective. The possibility or not of the effectiveness of a law by a civil society entity was taken into consideration, given the large flow of arrival and stay of migrants and refugees in the city of São Paulo. To this end, the project itself was used as a support for analysis and extraction of concepts, such as law, law, migrants, refugees, education and effectiveness. Finally, it is concluded that the right to integration through education of migrants and refugees was implemented by the project developed by PUC-SP.

Author Biography

Alan Faria Andrade Silva, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP, São Paulo, SP

PhD from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2023). Master in Law from PUC/SP (2019), in the research line Effectiveness of Human Rights and Diffuse and Collective Rights. Specialization in Constitutional Law from Anhanguera Uniderp University (2014). Improvement in Philosophy of Law and Human Rights from the Paulista School of Magistracy (2013). Graduated in Law from São Judas Tadeu University (2011). His research interests are: Effectiveness of Law, Human Rights, Diffuse and Collective Rights, Third Sector, General Theory of Law, Philosophy of Law and Citizenship, Law and Inequality, Law and Economics. Member of the Economy of Francesco. Lawyer.


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