The Fundamental right to disconnect in the context of remote work

challenges and perspectives in the digital age




Right to disconnect, Remote work, Mental health, Labor legislation, Work-life balance


The research investigates the phenomenon of the fundamental right to disconnect in the context of remote work, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. The study, conducted through an integrative literature review, analyzes the reactions of companies and workers and the social and political consequences of implementing this right. The results indicate that disconnection is crucial for workers' well-being, highlighting the need for policies that protect mental health and work-life balance. International examples, such as France and Australia, demonstrate successful legislation ensuring periods of disconnection. In the USA, the lack of uniform federal legislation reflects the complexity of the governmental system. A multifaceted approach for the effective implementation of the right to disconnect is proposed, including the creation of federal legislation, development of clear internal policies, use of technological tools, promotion of a healthy organizational culture, continuous education and awareness programs, and psychosocial support services. It concludes that such measures are essential to ensure the benefits of remote work, avoiding the risks of constant connectivity.

Author Biographies

Victor Lantyer, Universidade Católica do Salvador UCSAL - Salvador, BA

Lawyer, Professor, Author and Researcher with a degree in Law from the Catholic University of Salvador. He holds a specialization in LL.M (Master of Laws) in Business Law from the Baiana Faculty of Law, Digital Law and Data Protection from Gran Faculdade and is currently in the process of a master's degree in Alterity and Fundamental Rights at the same institution. He stood out as one of the winners of the Ericsson Award for Academic Production on Intellectual Property in 2023, with the article "The Role of Intellectual Property in Fostering Innovation: A Legal Perspective on Creations by Artificial Intelligence". He is the author of the books "Digital Law and Innovation", "General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and its reflections on Labor Law" and "Law and Artificial Intelligence: Theoretical and Practical Guide", in addition to having organized the book "Law, Art and Education" and contributed as a co-author to the book "Interdisciplinarity in Law: approaches to studies and practical cases", published by Editora Paco. He serves as a member of the Permanent Commission for Technology and Innovation of the OAB/BA, acting as coordinator of the Artificial Intelligence area and participant in the LGPD and Metaverse areas. He is also a member of the National Association of Digital Lawyers, a researcher in the Metasafe research group and a member of the Bahian Data Protection League. In addition, he is the creator and idealizer of the Lantyer Educacional website (, where he simplifies legal issues in an accessible and democratic way. He holds course certificates from Harvard University (Justice 2017 and Justice Today: Money, Markets, and Morals 2021), Yale University (American Contract Law), Saint Paul School of Business (Corporate Governance, Compliance and Ethics), University of Pennsylvania (Patent Law) and Lund University (Sweden) in Law and Artificial Intelligence.

Fábia Ribeiro Carvalho de Carvalho, Universidade Católica do Salvador - UCSAL, Salvador, BA

Postdoctoral student in the Postdoctoral Program in Law at UFBA, PhD and Master in Law from the Economic and Socioenvironmental Law Program at PUC/PR. Graduated from PUC/PR. Lawyer. Coordinator of Land Affairs at the Superintendence of Policies for Indigenous Peoples / SEPROMI of the State of BAHIA. Specialist in Business Law from FECAP/JUSPODIVM. Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Law and the Undergraduate Program in Law at UCSAL. She has worked as a professor of the Law course at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), assistant professor of the Law course at Faculdade Pio Décimo and Universidade Tiradentes (UNIT), Faculdade de Direito at Universidade Salgado Filho and also as a professor of the Postgraduate Program in Law Lato sensu at Universidade Estácio de Sá- Aracaju SE and the Faculty of Science and Technology FTC- Salvador campus. Former legal advisor to Banco Bradesco and Itaú. She also worked as a professor in preparatory courses for legal careers in Aracaju, SE (FMB). Member of the research group Hegemonic Societies and Traditional Populations at PUC/PR. She served as President of the scientific committee of the Violence and Gender Commission of the Brazilian Institute of Family Law (IBDFAM/SE). Ad hoc evaluator of FAPITEC-SE. Evaluator of the journal Scientific Interfaces. Evaluator of CONPEDI. She served as President of the Environmental Law Commission (CDMA) of the OAB-SE. Alternate sectional councilor of the OAB-SE. She worked as a professor at the Metropolitan Union of Education and Culture - UNIME. Evaluator of the Legal Journal FURB - of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Law. She provides legal consultancy and advocates in Environmental, socio-environmental and civil law, working mainly on the following topics: Environmental law, Real rights (property and territories), Rights of traditional peoples and populations, territorialities, solid waste.


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