The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and their application as a new tool for the effectiveness of employers’ rights


  • Carina Alamino Trida



Human Rights. UN Guiding Principles. Labor rights. Compliance. Due diligence.


The post-war period, especially regarding to the Second World War, brought the need to seek world peace and the reconstruction of civilizations, and with it the understanding that there is no society and peace without respecting human rights. Aware of this theme, States get united and with them, Organizations and new norms begin to be part of the internal laws of countries, either in a mandatory way (hard law) or as a way of guiding parameters of conduct (soft law). And in different contexts, in a globalized world where new relationships emerge daily, new approaches are necessary for the dignity of the human being to remain untouched. In this perspective, the United Nations Organization is rebelling with a new document entitled “The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” which, by encouraging the application of the three pillars of John Ruggie - protect, respect and remedy - extends the protection of human rights to the State and to companies, and with it the whole society and also the employers, now have new tools such as compliance and due diligence to guarantee the effectiveness of human rights.


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