Artificial Intelligence in the Application of Stare Decisis And the Precedents that Have Been Set


  • Português Português Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
  • Português Português Português
  • Português Português Português



Common law. Civil law. Artificial intelligence. Precedent.


Objective: Artificial intelligence (AI) is the future of all fields of knowledge. In this study, we will analyze the use of artificial intelligence in the Judiciary and, above all, try to answer the question: can robot algorithms exercise judicial activity? The problem i: to what extent will this new phase bring legal certainty and isonomy. And yet, can the mandatory application of precedents to similar cases violate the free conviction motivated by the decisions that will be rendered by the use of artificial intelligence? Can machines think? Methodology: the deductive method is used in this research, through bibliographic research of books, periodicals, academic articles and legal journals, in which the understanding of artificial intelligence and the stare decisis principle in Brazilian legislation will be developed. Results: the digital transformation of social relations is a complex phenomenon, as the spatial and temporal assumptions in which artificial intelligence applies stare decisis change, through its gradual insertion in civil law. It is undeniable that artificial intelligence is the future of all fields of knowledge and is increasingly being inserted in the Brazilian legal system, which through the trend of modern jurisdictional law is directed towards the binding effect of judicial precedent decisions (doctrine of precedents), in which in identical situations it will use AI, which will make it possible to meet the main requests of the jurisdictional and legal operators, which are the speed of procedure and the greatest guarantee in decisions and their uniformity in similar cases. Contributions: this study brings to the debate the importance of recognizing the insertion of artificial intelligence in the Brazilian legal system and raises deep questions about the nature of Justice, impartiality and ethical responsibility involved in judicial decision-making.

Author Biographies

Português Português, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Mestrando em Direito pela PUCSP. Especialista em Direito Processual Civil e Bacharel em Direito pela PUCCAMP. Especialista em Direito do Trabalho, Processo do Trabalho e Direito Previdenciário pela Faculdade IBMEC São Paulo. Advogado.

Português Português, Português

Associate Professor and Associate Professor of Economic Law at PUCSP. Doctor and Master in Commercial Law PUC-SP. Member of the Superior Council of CAPES and the PNPG Committee of CAPES/MEC 2021-2030. Attorney.

Português Português, Português

Doutorando em Direito pela Universidade Mal Del Plata - Argentina. Mestre em Direito pela UNIMEP - Piracicaba. Especialista em Direito Processual Civil pela PUC-Campinas.  Advogado.


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