Inhibitory protection as an instrument for effectiveness of the right to access justice in pandemic times


  • Luciana da Silva PAGGIATTO CAMACHO (Pós D) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Daniel Willian GRANADO Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil
  • Jorge Alfredo ARÉVALO
  • José Alberto Monteiro MARTINS Unicuritiba, Paraná, Brasil



Tutela inibitória. Direito de ação. Tutela jurisdicional diferenciada. Pandemia.


Object: the purpose of this scientific article is to address the exceptional scenario imposed by the pandemic resulting from the SarsCov2 - COVID-19 virus and its consequences which result in changes in the lives of citizens in relation to personality rights, such as, for example, freedom to go and come, right to information, consumer right, between others, in confrontation with collective rights to safeguard health, as a fundamental good of society as one of the elements that integrate the State: the territory, the sovereignty and the people (perhaps alive).

Methodology: the research methodology used is legal-theoretical, through empirical-deductive reasoning through the observation of social reality, studies of the legal system, doctrinal bibliographic material and jurisprudence.

Results: the results obtained are respectively (i) the need for reflection and the promotion of constitutional norms to safeguard the Democratic Rule of Law provided in the Constitution; (ii) the defense of the rights and guarantees of the individual, (iii) personality rights and others referenced; (iv) the use of individual inhibitory protections, and (v) collective injunctions to achieve this objective. Finally, in summary, it was concluded that inhibitory protection is an effective means of making rights effective, especially in the exceptional context imposed by the pandemic.

Contributions: the intended scientific contribution is initially to stimulate the debate about means of effective judicial protection in the defense of rights, material, diffuse, collective and homogeneous individuals, which are not possible to quantify the damages, in case they are injured, due to their immanent non-patrimonial characteristics, and, in a second moment, to review institutes of procedural law, such as preventive protection, and, in particular, the inhibitory protection, treated here, as a means of safeguarding these rights.

Keywords: Inhibitory protection. Right of action. Differentiated jurisdictional protection. Pandemi.

Biografia do Autor

Luciana da Silva PAGGIATTO CAMACHO, (Pós D) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil

Bolsista CNPq. Professora concursada da Fundação Santo André. Doutoranda em Direito Processual Civil pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - Área de Concentração: Efetividade do Direito; Linha de Pesquisa: Efetividade do Direito Privado e Liberdades Civis; Projeto de Pesquisa: Cognição como meio de acertamento do direito material litigioso. Mestre em Direito Processual Civil pela PUC/SP [2015] - Bolsista CAPES. Pós- graduada com especialização em Direito Processual Civil pela PUC-SP. Fui Coordenadora de assuntos estratégicos, bem como do contencioso cível, trabalhista e tributário do escritório Valfredo Bessa Advogados. Atuação nos ramos de Direito Tributário, Administrativo Cível, Família, Bancário, Ambiental, Consumidor e Telecomunicações. Atuou em escritórios de renome, dentre eles Advocacia Salomone, Sette Câmara, Corrêa e Bastos Advogados Associados, De Vivo, Whitaker e Castro Advogados Associados, Leite,Tosto e Barros Advogados, direito contratual, direito do consumidor, direito societário, incorporação imobiliária, bancário e telecomunicações. Foi professora assistente em Direito Processual Civil nas Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas - FMU e Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo graduação e Pós-Graduação.

Daniel Willian GRANADO, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil

Doctor, Master and Specialist in Civil Procedural Law from Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. University Professor and Lawyer

Jorge Alfredo ARÉVALO

Master in Procedural Law, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Private International Law UNC, Visiting Professor at the Postgraduate Course at Blas Pascal University, First Instance Judge in Civil and Commercial Matters of the Judiciary Branch of Córdoba, Argentina, Lawyer, Notary Public.

José Alberto Monteiro MARTINS, Unicuritiba, Paraná, Brasil

Doctoral Student and Master in Business Law and Citizenship at UNICURITIBA. Specialist in Business Law at FGV and University of California, Irvine - UCLA. Bachelor of Law at USP. Doctoral student tutor and co-leader of the Research Group on Business Law and Citizenship of the PPGD at UNICURITIBA. E-mail: ORCID:


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