The tragic and the sublime according to Friedrich Schiller




Sublime, Tragic, Aesthetics


This work is an effort to interpret the concept of the sublime in Friedrich Schiller. To this end, it is dedicated to the study of two texts by this author: 1) “On the sublime (For a later exposition of some Kantian ideas)”, from 1793, and 2) “About the sublime”, from 1801. Such texts are found in “Do sublime ao trágico” (2011), Brazilian edition organized by Pedro Süssekind. The most extensively explored text here is the second one, from 1801, although the work begins with the text from 1793, trying to understand the influence of Immanuel Kant on Schiller’s conceptions – here noted by means of the role of tragedy as an element influencing his singular conception of sublime. Thus, the interpretation of Kantian aesthetics brought by Schiller in “On the sublime” is exposed and, then, it goes on “About the sublime”, seeking to understand the bases of the aesthetic education of man.


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