Ethics, micropolitics and difference: the critical attitude to moralization in liberal utilitarism
Desire, Ethic, Micropolitics, Ecosophy, MoralAbstract
The article is an essay on ethics, micropolitics and eco-philosophy. It seeks to address some aspects, such as: distinction between moral and ethics; problematizing the production of difference as a gear of micropolitics; the fabrication by desire and with the multiplicity of forces in resistance to fascist practices and the critical attitude towards judgment through the transvaluation of values by genealogy.
The article, therefore, seeks to interrogate how utilitarianism and liberalism are brought together in capitalism to create a moral of survival. It is also postulated that the instrumental reason of business and consumer society favors moralized subjectivity. We seek to think that ethics is an eco-philosophical and micropolitical bet on desiring production as part of a power of encounters to confront fascisms. It starts with contributions by Félix Guattari; Gilles Deleuze; Michel Foucault; Judith Butler and Friedrich Nietzsche. Finally, a relationship between ethics, aesthetics and politics is presented as a possibility to create other ways of life.
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