Genealogy of the Body and Conscience: Notes on the Psychology of guild and resentment in Nietzsche
Nietzsche, genealogy, body, consciousness, psychologyAbstract
In this text, I reflect on a theoretical perspective that has been consolidating itself in a very promising way in Brazilian archeology, especially for engaging different voices around themes that until the beginning of the 21st century did not usually occupy the agenda of archaeological praxis. The Queer Theory has been unveiling a universe of possibilities for a politically engaged academic practice with resonance in the present. In this text, I will not present ready-made models or recipes, as I understand that Queer narratives are anti-normative, non-essentialist and critical, therefore plural, negotiable, fluid, in addition to reflecting many issues that affect us in the present. My proposal is to subsidize, from my place of speech, the reflections I am making about some Queer approaches, basing my reflections on the thinking of pioneers and pioneers who have already traveled the path that we have yet to travel in the field of archeology.The article discusses a series of concepts developed by Nietzsche throughout his philosophical production, and especially in the work Genealogy of Morals. It begins with the genealogy of the body, which is understood as the result of the constant relationship of forces (active and reactive), where the cartography of these forces is made. From Nietzsche’s thought and Deleuze’s interpretations, it is explained how a consciousness was created in the human, which until then was guided by instincts.
Then, the production of consciousness and its functioning unfolds through the concepts of guilt, bad conscience and resentment, which will also contribute to the theoretical formulation of a philosophical perspective on Nietzschean psychology.
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