Desire, care and control in barebacking orgies
Sexuality, Barebacking orgies, HIV / AIDS, care and control, serotriagem, negotiated securityAbstract
In this article I describe and analyze the inflection point of the initial analytical categories of a research. Investigating the “risk and the production of pleasure in the fulfillment of desires”, focusing on the orgiastic experiences of men who have sex with men, I am faced with the possibility of investigating barebaking orgies. I move, then, from a perspective in which pleasure was supposedly linked to the risks experienced by orgiastic subjects and I face the categories care and control based on the affective- sexual experiences of cis-gendered, HIV-positive men engaged in what it is conventionally called barebacking orgies. From this inflection, I reflect on the constitution of affective-sexual relationships elaborated by the respondents, illuminating an element common to all, the HIV virus. I also reflect on the “ideology of equality”, a strategy forged in the context of barebacking orgies, intending to circumvent differences and make the fulfillment of sexual and life desires feasible.Downloads
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