image and Imaginary in Cinema: Anthopological perspectives and the rescue of subjetivity


  • Carlos Eduardo O. P. de Moura FFCLRP/USP



Cinema, Aesthetics of Movement, Imagination-Imaginary, Awareness, Anthropological experience


Cinema, as a language (mediation of symbols and signs) and affirming it as worldview and creation in relation to the viewer (anthropological experience), will be understood from an aesthetics of movement. Through the inevitable spectacle-spectator relationship to cinematographic Art and its filmic experience, the conditions to think of an aesthetics in an ontological dimension will be presented: the singularity in the condition of imaginary signifier from its presence in the world (rescue of the collectivity). For this analysis, the Sartrean existential phenomenology will be of great value to establish a dialogue with other authors (Merleau-Ponty, Jean Mitry, Edgar Morin, Christian METZ) and reflect on an aesthetic of the cinema from the notions of perception, consciousness, image, imagination and desire in the field of a convention illuminated by an aesthetic of life. Finally, presenting Cinema as a deeply existential practice, the importance of the sensation of the collective that derives from cinematographic Art and the implications of the spectator in the dimension of responsibility and the engagement of being in the world will be recalled – Cinema as a philosophy of action.


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Author Biography

Carlos Eduardo O. P. de Moura, FFCLRP/USP

Carlos Eduardo O. P. de Moura - Pós-Doutorando FFCLRP/USP; FAPESP;


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