The rupture above all? Thinking the politics in Badiou’s philosophy: between the event and his historicity


  • Ignacio Ariel Gordillo Universidad Nacional de La Matanza



Event, Subject, Political sequences, Ideology, History


Since the publication of his work Being and the Event, Alain Badiou's philosophy has been accused of distancing itself from real politics by proposing a rigid dualism between the novelty of the event and the historical situation. In response to these criticisms, this article reviews the relationship between both aspects in his post-May 1968 philosophical career. It attempts to elucidate to what extent, in Badiou's philosophy, the militant subject of the event, who makes a fundamental intervention for its deployment in the situation, while at the same time having to isolate himself from his environment to embrace this disruption, also needs to have as resources certain knowledge about the history of previous political sequences in order to be prepared for the hazardous appearance of the new. Likewise, the militant link with the events of emancipation politics is based on a subjective ethic that this article considers valuable for studying the role of the philosopher in the contemporary world.


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