The Conditional Spiral in Alain Badiou’s philosophical system
Logic, Conditions, Subject, System, MultiplicityAbstract
Philosophical attempts at reforming ontology have moved from delimiting large universal substances or totalities toward mapping formal models through time. Most of these endeavors establish irreducible difference as their primary assumption. Alain Badiou’s ontological proposal is doubtless one of the most polemical. Known for his initial formulation concerning ontology being mathematics, Badiou brought significant adjustments to his claim in 2018. In this paper, we argue that this sizeable overhauling was enabled by the multilayered conditional logic structuring his philosophical system. We contend that without such a logic, no philosophical proposal on radical difference and its material emergence can be taken as a real possibility. The ontology maps a radically formal, event-conditioned theory, distributed through subject-types. The theory of conditions provides the parameters by which to validate this claim.
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