Love - Scene of the Two


  • Reza Naderi European Graduate School


Mots-clés :

love, truth, sexuation, event


This paper delves into Alain Badiou’s theory of love, positioning it as a complex and innovative truth procedure that challenges conventional philosophical boundaries. Badiou’s conceptualization of love contrasts sharply with Lacan’s theory of sexuation, particularly in how each addresses the non-relationship between the sexes. While Lacan’s framework is anchored in the phallic function, Badiou rejects this essentialism, instead offering a formalization that emphasizes the indeterminacy and disjunction inherent in love.

The paper explores the operations of excision and expansion, which Badiou identifies as crucial in the formation of the "Two"—a dynamic new mode of existence that arises from the encounter of love. Love, in this framework, is not merely an extension of sexual desire or a fusion of individuals but a transformative process that creates a shared world, a "scene of the Two," where difference is affirmed rather than erased. The analysis further highlights the contrast between Badiou's and Lacan's views, particularly in their treatment of sexual difference and the role of the "humanity function" in shaping relationships.

Through this exploration, the paper demonstrates how Badiou redefines love as an evental and truth-producing force, distinct from both traditional romantic ideals and psychoanalytic interpretations. It concludes by reflecting on the implications of Badiou’s theory for understanding the nature of love, truth, and the existential realities that emerge from the encounter of love.


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