Perceptions on the elderly care with Alzheimer disease: contributions from discourses of the nursing team


  • Anna Paula Martinez PUC-SP/FCMS
  • Bruna Abib Constantino PUC-SP/FCMS
  • Cássia Maria Hilkner Silva Messina PUC-SP/FCMS


Alzheimer Disease, delivery of health care, geriatric nursing, aged.


Introduction: Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease associated with older age. This research is justified by the importance of analyzing the knowledge and psycho-emotional aspects of nursing professionals who work in institutions with long-stay elderly patients with AD. Objectives: to analyze the perception of the nursing staff of long-term institutions in relation to AD. Methodology: this is a qualitative exploratory study. It was interviewed eleven nursing assistants in a multidisciplinary team of Clinical Geriatric Residential, located in Sorocaba/SP, a brazilian city close to São Paulo. Data collection was conducted through individual interviews. The data analysis was perfomed by the “Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo”, qualitative method created by Lefreve & Lefreve Results: the study showed that living with the elderly allows one to know the main symptoms of the disease, such as cognitive and behavioral changes. However, this knowledge is superficial. Although  this fact does not interfere with care for the elderly, it limits the possibilities for intervention. It was also identified that these professionals feel satisfaction in doing their tasks. Conclusion: it was concluded that technical nursing professionals have empirical knowledge about AD and their care. From the emotional point of view, there is a negative impact due to the concern about their own health, but otherwise there is a personal satisfaction in the course of work.


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Author Biographies

Anna Paula Martinez, PUC-SP/FCMS

Acadêmica do curso de Enfermagem FCMS/PUC-SP

Bruna Abib Constantino, PUC-SP/FCMS

Acadêmica do curso de Enfermagem FCMS/PUC-SP

Cássia Maria Hilkner Silva Messina, PUC-SP/FCMS

Professora do Depto. de Enfermagem FCMS/PUC-SP


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How to Cite

Martinez AP, Constantino BA, Messina CMHS. Perceptions on the elderly care with Alzheimer disease: contributions from discourses of the nursing team. Rev. Fac. Ciênc. Méd. Sorocaba [Internet]. 2014Jun.26 [cited 2024Sep.26];16(2):76-9. Available from:



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