Alcohol and drug use among nursing, biology and medical students from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo


  • Ariane Fadel Martinho CCMB/PUC-SP
  • Carla Luísa Tonin CCMB/PUC-SP
  • Luisa Mesquita Nunes CCMB/PUC-SP
  • Neil Ferreira Novo CCMB/PUC-SP
  • Carlos Von Krakauer Hübner CCMB/PUC-SP


alcohol drinking, street drugs, smoking, students.


ABSTRACT Purpose: this study´s purpose is to verify the prevalence of alcohol and drug abuse among nursing, biology and medical students, and raise awareness of alcohol and drug abuse in this community, so that preventive measures can be taken. Methods: the data was obtained through a questionnaire developed by the World Health Association (WHO) consisting of 161 multiple choice questions. Results: the results showed us that alcohol is the most consumed substance by the students. While biology students have a different pattern of substance use, the nursing and medical students have similar patterns, but differ on the quantity of alcohol and drugs consumed. Conclusion: each group of students has its own alcohol and drug use pattern, which could be the result of the poor interaction of such groups on the campus. Suport: PIBIC - CEPE.


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Author Biographies

Ariane Fadel Martinho, CCMB/PUC-SP

Acadêmica do curso de Medicina CCMB/PUC-SP

Carla Luísa Tonin, CCMB/PUC-SP

Acadêmica do curso de Medicina CCMB/PUC-SP

Luisa Mesquita Nunes, CCMB/PUC-SP

Acadêmica do curso de Medicina CCMB/PUC-SP

Neil Ferreira Novo, CCMB/PUC-SP

Professor do Depto. de Morfologia e Patologia CCMB/PUC-SP

Carlos Von Krakauer Hübner, CCMB/PUC-SP

Professor do Depto. de Medicina CCMB/PUC-SP



How to Cite

Martinho AF, Tonin CL, Nunes LM, Novo NF, Hübner CVK. Alcohol and drug use among nursing, biology and medical students from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Rev. Fac. Ciênc. Méd. Sorocaba [Internet]. 2009Mar.27 [cited 2024Sep.26];11(1):11-5. Available from:



Original Article