Clinical and laboratory profile of pediatric outpatients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, attended in the tertiary public hospital of Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil, and its relationship with the treatment adherence


  • Caroline Rosa Pellicciari Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
  • Letícia de Arruda Camargo Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
  • Alcinda Aranha Nigri Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
  • Neil Ferreira Novo Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo



diabetes mellitus, type 1, hemoglobin A, glycosylated, diabetic ketoacidosis


Objectives: To evaluate the clinical and laboratory profile of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) and their relationship with the values of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). Methods: We analyzed medical records of 56 patients (2 to 17 years) treated at the pediatric endocrinology unit of the Conjunto Hospitalar de Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil, during the period from August 2013 to July 2014. Data such as: age, duration of disease, diabetes etiology (autoimmune or idiopathic), type and number of daily insulin injections, caster at the application site, the HbA1c levels, blood glucose monitoring, candy and soft drinks intake and physical activity were analyzed. For statistical analysis, the patients were divided in two groups: bad control = HbA1c>9%; and good control = HbA1c≤9%, according to the International Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD). Results: The mean age of the patients studied was equal to 10.5 years; 53.6% (n=30) of them were in a state of diabetic ketoacidosis diagnosis; and 57.1% (n=32) of the group had HbA1c>9%. Bad control group showed older age, being mainly composed of adolescents (p=0,0230). The weekly intake of soft drinks is associated with the bad control group (p=0,0500). The other factors studied showed no statistical difference between the groups. Conclusions: A large percentage of patients with DM1 had inadequate control of the disease, especially in the adolescent age group. The diagnosis of DM1 in childhood and adolescence is still late, with high presence of diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis.


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How to Cite

Pellicciari CR, Camargo L de A, Nigri AA, Novo NF. Clinical and laboratory profile of pediatric outpatients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, attended in the tertiary public hospital of Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil, and its relationship with the treatment adherence. Rev. Fac. Ciênc. Méd. Sorocaba [Internet]. 2017Jun.26 [cited 2024Oct.19];19(2):61-6. Available from:



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