Becoming a resident learning to be adult: needs in medical training




internship and residency, education, medical, professional training, medical staff, hospital, identification (psychology)


Objective: This study aims to analyze the motivations, learning, feelings and needs of medical residents of the Medical Clinic who work in a Municipal Hospital to specialize through the Medical Residency in Clinical Medicine. Methods: This is a qualitative study with the purpose of evaluating, assessing and estimating the purposes, goals and plans of the physicians who opt for this specialization through the analysis of their speeches. Results: Despite the extensive medical training, resident physicians do not feel secure in having responsibility for situations related to the diseases and illnesses of patients, and having to conduct behaviors and attitudes without the necessary safety to carry out such acts. They refer to a state of non-finalization, not being prepared, little able to perform their activities, ineffectiveness in their actions of interpretation of the findings, diagnosis, treatment, and approach. Conclusions: Discussing these needs and motivations allows us to develop and learn strategies for better understanding and development of issues regarding Medical Residency and on training in Medicine in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Silva TB da, Fonseca ABC da. Becoming a resident learning to be adult: needs in medical training. Rev. Fac. Ciênc. Méd. Sorocaba [Internet]. 2020May29 [cited 2024Sep.26];21(4):165-9. Available from:



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