Dementia and oral health


  • Sérgio Spezzia Escola Paulista de Medicina - Universidade Federal de São Paulo


self-care, cooperative behavior, caregivers


Dementia is a neurodegenerative disease that progressively and irreversibly affects the central nervous system, leading to a decline in cognitive function. There is loss of brain function, which affects memory, thought, language, judgment and behavior. Since the patients present difficulties with self-care, there is a compromised oral hygiene. There will inevitably be loss of self-care during the course of the disease. The moment one diagnoses dementia, one should refer the patient to a dentist for evaluation, since the more severe the disease is, the harder it is to perform orthodontic procedures, due to loss of patient cooperation. Dental treatment will include guidance on essential oral hygiene for caregivers and family members, since these will be responsible for its performance, as the patient will be unable to perform basic self-care. When a proper dental plan with preventive approach is performed, acting from the diagnosis of the disease on, one can assist in improving the quality of life of these individuals. This paper aims to conduct an update of studies on the oral effects caused by dementia.


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Author Biography

Sérgio Spezzia, Escola Paulista de Medicina - Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Cirurgião Dentista. Especialista em Gestão em Saúde e em Adolescência para Equipe Multidisciplinar pela Escola Paulista de Medicina - Universidade Federal de São Paulo (EPM/UNIFESP). Especialista em Gestão Pública pela Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná. Mestrando em Pediatria e Ciências Aplicadas à Pediatria pela EPM/UNIFESP.


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How to Cite

Spezzia S. Dementia and oral health. Rev. Fac. Ciênc. Méd. Sorocaba [Internet]. 2015Dec.11 [cited 2024Oct.19];17(4):175-8. Available from:


