Decannulation process in patients afflicted with traumatic brain injury: study performed in a hospital trauma, in the metropolitan region of Belém, PA, Brazil
deglutition, tracheostomy, craniocerebral trauma, speech, language and hearing sciencesAbstract
Objectives: This course conclusion work had as main objective to evaluate the process of swallowing in patients with severe traumatic brain injury in use of tracheostomy and alternative feeding via admitted to a referral hospital for emergency care in trauma located in the metropolitan area of Belém, Pará, Brazil. At the same time, we intended to determine whether these patients are able to start the process of decannulation. Method: As for the method, it is an exploitative, prospective and longitudinal study in humans, to evaluate the swallowing of patients with traumatic brain injury who were using alternative feeding via and to see if they were able to wean. Results: In head trauma situations, for example, especially in cases ranging from moderate injury to serious injury, when the patient’s condition compromises the natural respiratory function, the clinical impression stands as the most important point for the approach to be adopted for treatment. Final considerations: It is highlighted the role played by phonoaudiologists for the treatment of traumatic brain injury, noting that, according to the results obtained, patients gradually presented indicative framework for the weaning of the alternative feeding via. In addition, according to the results presented, tolerance to the occlusion test was instrumental in beginning the decannulation process of the studied patients.Downloads
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