Basic knowledge on Human Papillomavirus and its complications among women between 18 and 40 years old
Papillomaviridae, Uterine Cervical Neoplasms, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, WomenAbstract
Objective: In the world it is estimated that 291 million women are carriers of Human Papillomavirus (HPV), and its importance is due to the association with cervical cancer. Thus, it is necessary to understand the level of knowledge of women who are at risk of developing the disease. Method: For this, a questionnaire was applied to women between 18 and 40 years old. Results: Most women (97.6%) know that HPV is related to cancer and 91.9% responded that HPV is a risk factor for cancer. As for the clinical manifestations, 60.3% had partially correct answers, what shows satisfactory knowledge on the subject. Of those interviewed, 79.8% also are acquainted to the HPV detection method. Conclusion: It is concluded that, despite the main information on the subject being sedimented, it is possible to perceive a great insecurity of the interviewees regarding their own knowledge. These data reinforce the need to build new articles and campaigns on the subject as a mean to increase the dissemination of information associating HPV with cancer in order to consolidate such knowledge.
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