Creation and free culture in the era of generative artificial intelligence




Artificial Intelligence, Free Culture, Digital Platforms, Internet Politics, Philosophy of technology


This text discusses aesthetic and philosophical implications in creation and culture from the popularization of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in 2023 such as ChatGPT. It starts from the debate around knowledge and free culture and the remix status of creation with the rise of digital technologies and the internet in the 2000s, and then problematizes the consequences of the massive use of generative AI systems for artistic creation today. Finally, he points out that the private exploitation of knowledge does not need to be a reason to restrict its wide access, but to dispute it as a common one; and points to the construction of an agenda to discuss creation in hybrid times, which seeks to affirm technologies based on their prosthetic characteristics (HUI, 2023).


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Author Biography

Leonardo Foletto, FGV

Jornalista, doutor em comunicação (UFRGS), com pós-doutorado na FAU-USP junto ao LabCidade. Professor e pesquisador da Escola de Comunicação, Mídia e Informação da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV-ECMI). Lattes:


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