Disinformation as a political strategy

an analysis of presidential speeches during the covid-19 pandemic





desinformação, covid-19, análise de discurso, Bolsonaro


The paper analyzes President Jair Bolsonaro’s speeches during the covid-19 pandemic. The objective is to understand the argumentative strategies present in the most common misinformation used by the Brazilian leader. The corpus consists of 687 statements made between January and September 2020. For the methodology, we combine the quantitative content analysis with the critical discourse analysis proposed by Van Dijk. The result showed that most of Bolsonaro’s  speeches about the pandemic contained inaccurate  and unsustainable information. The most repeated phrases aimed to control the context to outsource
guilt and defend the return to normality.


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Author Biography

Erivelto Amarante, UFPR

Doutorando em Ciência Política pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), mestre em Comunicação pela UFPR. Bolsista Capes.


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