Paths towards transversality in the Anthropocene
Anthropocene, modern science, art and politics, transdisciplinarityAbstract
This essay is presented as a hope awakened in the reflections from the course Anthropocene - Transdisciplinary Approaches (IEB / USP) in the sense of thinking “new beginnings and not be wallowing in the mud of the end” about the new geological era called Anthropocene on planet Earth in the 21st century. The Anthropocene is thought of as a political problem of global magnitude regarding the experiences of extinctions of species, beings, plants and animals and the theoretical debate about the fate of the planet, especially from the warming of the climate. Among lyrics of song poems, the inaudible sound and fury reverberate in the silence of the paradox in the catastrophic noise of everyday survival. We will need everyone to think, act and change the organizational cosmologies that resulted in the tragedies that we face now and that are created by ourselves. Love must grow between all human beings and non-humans, or we will wallow in the barbarism of the unsustainability of the planet.
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