The University as a plural space for the professional, personal and cultural training of young potiguara




University, Culture, Young Potiguara, Formation


The article synthesizes a critical cultural study that includes a field research with the general objective of understanding, from the life trajectory of young Potiguara, how their experiences could contribute to their entry into the university, aiding in their formation. The research carried out was qualitative, with academics who studied at a Federal Institution, using the methodological approach of (auto)biographical research, in order to centralize the narratives of young Potiguara, providing an integration between subjects and researchers. In the analysis, based on their narratives, it was possible to recognize and identify some contradictions and complementarities existing in the intersection between academic and indigenous knowledge, enabling a training that encompasses the professional, the personal and the cultural.



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Author Biographies

Elaine Freitas de Sousa, Federal University of Ceara

Researcher at the Federal University of Ceará

Jacques Therrien, Ceara State University

Researcher at the State University of Ceará


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