The Mariana disaster through the newspaper A Sirene

the emergence of a structure of feeling among those affected




Anthropocene, Mariana disaster, brazilian mineral extractivism, sociology of disaster


Understanding the Mariana disaster as an ongoing process, the article seeks to emphasize and tension layers of investigation to the attacks of Sociology of Disasters in the field of subjective dimensions associated with such disruptive processes. This means that it exercises a type of analysis that involves the understanding of social impacts, more specifically the transformations in collective self-understanding, the elaboration and construction of meanings for disasters and their disputes, once they are open to negotiation in a public sphere. . In view of the impossibility of fieldwork due to the health crisis of Covid-19, it is based on the documentary analysis of editions of the newspaper A Sirene, a community vehicle carried out centrally by those affected in the rural region of Mariana since 2016, that the article seeks to identify the emergency and the sedimentation of a “structure of feeling”: a process of emotional assemblage, of procedural affective arrangement and the production of a new conscience from the disaster that the idea of structure of feeling seeks to deal with. This becomes feasible from fragments with a testimonial tone that make it possible to reassemble a dynamic of social suffering and instances of empowerment, as well as to perceive dimensions of a memory policy. On the horizon, this structure of feeling is articulated both by an expansion of solidarity and by a struggle for recognition (and reparation). This structure of feeling finally brings to the fore another mining story that, I suggest, is submerged in a context of cultural trauma.


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Author Biography

Natanael de Alencar Santos, PPGS/UFSCar

Doutorando em Sociologia na Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Mestre em Sociologia pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia (2018) na Universidade Federal da Paraíba Licenciado em Ciências Sociais (2019) pela mesma universidade. Possui graduação em Comunicação Social pela Faculdade Santo Agostinho de Teresina (2012). É membro do grupo de pesquisa TRAMA - Terra, Trabalho, Migração e Memória (Cnpq). Currículo lattes:


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