A dystopian work future foretold in the HBO Max series WestWorld





Artificial Intelligence, Westworld, Labor, Predictive programming


This article aims to explain how science fiction previously architected (predictive programming) what technology professionals later created or revealed to the public: the idea of androids, robots, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). HBO Max's series Westworld portrays a reality where it is not clear where the human element ends and the artificial begins. A world where humans and machines work and live side by side without humans realizing it. The essay was developed by selecting and analyzing scenes using Norman Fairclough's (1995) method of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), which highlights the blurring of the line between human and machine labor. The result was the realization of the machine's dominance over humanity.

Key-words: Artificial Intelligence, Westworld, labor/work, predictive programming, technology.


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Author Biography

Cintia Coelho da Silva

PhD student in Education, Arts and Cultural History at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Master in History at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) and graduated in History at the same institution. Postgraduate in Corporate Communication and MBA in Marketing at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-SP). http://lattes.cnpq.br/7832345010827170.





FELICIANO, Guilherme Guimarães; SILVA, José Antônio Ricardo de Oliveira. A inteligência artificial e o direito do trabalho: lampejos utópicos para um futuro distópico. Revista do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, São Paulo, v. 88, pp. 25-52, jan./mar. 2022.

FAIRCLOUGH, N. Critical discourse analysis: The critical study of language. London, England: Longman, 1995.

SILVA, Cintia Coelho da. Tendências e Contornos da Sociedade de Consumo. São Paulo: Editora Dialética, 2022.

Westworld [Seriado]. Produção: Jonathan Nolan e Lisa Joy. Estados Unidos: HBO, 2016 - 2022. (36 episódios).

