“CARAÍBA”: culture and technology in Flavio Colin’s comics

cultura e tecnologia nos quadrinhos de Flavio Colin


  • Neuza de Fátima Da Fonseca UTFPR/IFPR
  • Marilda Lopes Pinheiro Queluz




Caraíba. , Karaíba., Flavio Colin. , História em quadrinhos., Floresta Amazônica.



The objective of this article is to reflect on the work Caraíba, scripted and illustrated by Flavio Colin, written in the eighties, but only published in 2007, five years after his death. The work was published by Desiderata, at the Vozes de Petrópolis printing house, in Rio de Janeiro. For the analyses, the paratexts, the construction and characterization of the characters, the scenarios, the layout of the pages, the lines and style of the drawings, the dialogues between the context of the work, the content and the country were considered. The book is divided into three parts, covering the transition process of the protagonist, Caraíba, a hunter who, throughout the story, learns to understand the mysteries of the forest and the threats from logging companies, mining companies and predatory humans. The tensions and contradictions in the ways of seeing and experiencing nature are intensified with the presence of characters from Brazilian indigenous legends. The theoretical foundation is based on the studies of Daniel Munduruku (2018), who brings the story of Karaíba, protector of the forest, Januária Cristina Alves (2017), who shows the biography of many characters from Brazilian folklore, Ailton Krenak (2020), who points out in his work the worldview of original peoples and Néstor Garcia Canclini (2019), where he presents reflections on the phenomenon of cultural hybridization in Latin American countries.



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