



Abolition – press – caricature – racism – whitening


The abolitionist campaign (1870-1888) was characterized by intense political disputes in the main urban centers of Brazil, with strong participation from the press. Even though its reach was limited due to its artisanal nature and the high rate of illiteracy recorded in the 1872 Census, many publications focused on the cause appeared, that galvanized public opinion and the slaves themselves. This work focuses on the role of the illustrated press and its most prominent author, the Italian-Brazilian caricaturist Angelo Agostini (1843-1910). After May 13, 1888, the author, in addition to other abolitionists, revealed themselves to be racist and prejudiced towards black people. To understand the apparent paradox, it is necessary to delve into what white abolitionism was, the objective causes of liberation, the formulations on whitening and the situation of black people after Abolition.


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Author Biography

Gilberto Maringoni, UFABC

GILBERTO MARINGONI DE OLIVEIRA is associate professor II of the Bachelor of International Relations and member of the faculty of the postgraduate programs in Human and Social Sciences (PCHS) and World Political Economy (EPM) at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC). He is also a doctor in Social History from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (2006), graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of USP (1986) and a journalist. He has experience in the area of ​​History, with an emphasis on contemporary Latin America, History of the press and History of Brazilian Empire. His studies focus on the following topics: international relations, development models and communications. He is the author and/or organizer of 16 books, among them The Return of the Planning State - Neoliberalism in Check (Editora Contracurrent), A Venezuela that invents itself - power, oil and intrigue in the times of Chávez (Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, 2004), A Venezuelan revolution (Editora Unesp, 2009), Angelo Agostini, The illustrated press from the Court to the Federal Capital, 1864-1910 (Devir, 2011) - finalist for the 2012 Jabuti Prize, from the Brazilian Book Chamber, biography category -, Human rights, images do Brasil (Aori, 2010) and The image and the gesture - Photobiography of Carlos Marighella (finalist for the 2000 Jabuti award, from the Brazilian Book Chamber). He was a fellow of the National Economic Research Program (PNPE) at the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), between 2008 and 2011, and editor of the magazine Desafios do Desenvolvimento, from the same institution, between 2011-2012 and 2015-2016. He is coordinator of the Brazilian Foreign Policy Observatory (OPEB-UFABC)


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