Formação de sentido em charges políticas de extrema direita
uma análise à luz dos estudos da linguagem
This paper investigates the formation of meaning in Jota Camelo's cartoons, using the analytical tool of Conceptual Integration (FAUCONNIER; TURNER, 2002), together with the concepts of frame (FILLMORE, 1976) and moral frame (LAKOFF, 2004). The analysis focuses on the humor generated by the integration of concepts to form complex conceptual entities conveyed by language. Adopting a qualitative approach (SILVERMAN, 2000; GIL, 1991) and influenced by Ginzburg's (1989) venatory methodology, we seek to identify patterns in the processes of integration of concepts for the formation of meaning, which leads to humor. The object of research is the meaning-making operations in cartoons, which leads to the understanding of the creation and interpretation of humor in satirical contexts, especially in far-right cartoons.
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